이곳은 회원 여러분의 글을 올리시는 게시판입니다. 사진을 올리실때는 사진의 크기를 800 X 450 정도로 올려주시기 바랍니다. 사진크기는 회원분들이 가지고 있는 프로그램을 이용하여 조절해 주신후 올리시면 됩니다. 회원가입이 안되신분들은 글을 볼수 있는 권한만 있습니다.


My name is Christine or “Christina” as my brothers and sisters called me in Ensenada, Mexico.

I spent three weeks at the Love Mexico Mission Center located in Ensenada with a friend as a mission trip for the summer. Before the trip, I wasn’t sure what to expect: I didn’t know I was going to teach English every day; I didn’t know I was going to teach Spanish to indigenous people; I didn’t know I was going to lead a bible study in Spanish every night; I didn’t know I was going to take out hundreds of nails out of used wooden boards; and most of all, I didn’t know I was going to fall in love with the people in Mexico.


To be honest, I was not prepared to do any of the things that I did in Mexico. Do I speak the language fluently? No way… I took four years of Spanish in high school and that was it. But God called and I obeyed. No experience in teaching, no experience in Spanish, no experience in construction, and I lack so much more…but He still used me. And to be honest, just like any other short-term missions trip, I gained so much more than what I gave.


I admire the Elders and the other missionaries down in Mexico who are serving and loving the people for the Kingdom of God. As I was working with them side by side, I saw the genuine love that they had for the people and it challenged me. This trip definitely has impacted my life deeply and I can’t wait till I go back and see my family in Mexico again. I challenge you, whomever you may be reading this, to go down there and experience the love that the people have for God and for you as well.

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